30 min home workout to beat Winter : Winter workout


30 min home workout to beat Winter : Winter workout

Cold days are that days when you don't want to go to the gym, cold days are the hurdles which comes between you and your gym. 

Exercise is very important specially in winter to get warm and active but it is a challenge itself to hit the gym or any kind of physical exercise. 

Here in this article we will tell you best home workout to beat this winter:

1. Body weight squat

Stand straight legs shoulder-width apart, toes facing front. Drive your hips back, bending at the knees and ankles and pressing your knees slightly open now sit into a squat position while still keeping your heels and toes on the bottom, chest up and shoulders back. Strive to eventually reach parallel, meaning knees are bent to a 90-degree angle. should press into your heels not into your toes and straighten legs to return to a standing position. 

Set- 3
Rep- 20-30
Rest- 60 secs

30 min home workout to beat Winter : Winter workout


2. Push-ups

Get into a plank position, place your both palms on the mat, palm should be placed directly under the shoulder, keep your back straight, core tight, and don't put tension on neck. now gently bend your both elbows to go down and slowly lower your body to the floor. Try to touch the floor by your chest and then push your body in upward direction. try to create more tension on biceps for more better results.

Set- 3
Rep- 20
Rest- 60 secs

30 min home workout to beat Winter : Winter workout


3. Pull up

Grab the bar with hands shoulder-width apart, hang with your arms fully extended. Keep your shoulders back and engage core. now go slowly up towards the bar until your chest touches the bar or your chin is above the bar, here hold for a sec and then slowly move down to the starting position.

Set- 3
Rep- 10-12
Rest- 60 secs

30 min home workout to beat Winter : Winter workout



4. Crunches

 Lie down on your back, place your legs on the floor with hip-width apart and bend your knees and place you arms to your chest. Lift your upper body with exhale, don't put strain on your neck. Inhale and return to the normal position. 

Set- 3
Rep- 20-25
Rest- 60 secs

30 min home workout to beat Winter : Winter workout


5. Mountain climbers

Take the high plank position with palm should placed directly under the shoulders, keep your neck in relaxed position and keep your legs straight. Now drive your right knee towards your chest with a tight core then quickly back it to the plank position and immediately drive your left knee towards the chest.

Set- 3
Rep- 10-12 by each leg
Rest- 60 secs

30 min home workout to beat Winter : Winter workout


6. Plank 

For plank come to your knees and hands, put your both of palms under the shoulder and then tuck your toes underneath your legs. Don't lock your elbow, softening your elbows just a little bit. now your hip should be in a correct position, neither too high nor too low. now hold the pose for couple of mins.

Set- 3 of 1 min
Rest- 60 secs

30 min home workout to beat Winter : Winter workout



7. Skipping

Grab the handle of skipping rope and start with rope behind you, now swings the rope with the help of wrist, when the rope pass your shins, jump by springing your toes.  

Set- 3 of 1 min
Rest- 60 secs

30 min home workout to beat Winter : Winter workout

8. Jumping jack 

Stand straight with your arms to your side, now jump up and spread out your legs as much as you can while bring your arms above your hand and then return back to the starting position.  

Set- 3
Rep- 20-25
Rest- 60 secs

30 min home workout to beat Winter : Winter workout

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