Fat loss is one of the most concerned problem among the population. so before step up towards workout, you should know about fat loss mechanism and how can affect your health in a disaster way. so there are fat cells in our body which exists primarily to store energy and when you take high calories food it lead increasement of fatty cells which lead to obesity.

so when start doing exercise more than 5min or more than, fatty acid which contains energy is about to
start releasing into blood stream for use of as fuel by muscles and other body organs when there are
no food available.

so when you begins workout on regular bases, body starts consuming energy form fatty acid and it stops putting away so much storage of fat.

here we are presenting some of best workout for fat loss-

1.RUNNING- it is one of the best exercise of fat loss.
it is also best for increasement in stamina, strength. running target the muscles of legs, arms and some
of core. you can easily burn approx 100-110 calories in 1km walk or slow running. 


2.CYCLING- cycling also beneficial as running. it burns fat along with increasing stamina, strength to the lower body and best exercise to reduce thigh fat as well calf fat.


3.JUMPING ROPE(SKIPPING)- it is a full body exercise. most the body muscles involves in this. you can easily burn out 100-110 calories in 10 minutes of skipping. it helps to improve your cardiovascular system,  also increase blood flow to the organ.


4.SWIMMING- it is also good for fat burn along with improving flexibility, reduce cardiovascular disease risk factor. in a study it is found that approx 300 calories can burn out in 30 minutes of swimming.


5.YOGA- yoga may not show immediate reaction but doing in a continuous bases for prolong time than definitely it  shows better result. it also good for mental health, reduce stress, increase stamina, improve coordination, flexibility. 


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