Benefits and Side effects of ashwagandha | Ashwagandha for weight loss | Ashwagandha supplement

Benefits and Side effects of ashwagandha | Ashwagandha for weight loss | Ashwagandha supplement

Ashwgandha is considered to be one of the most powerful herb available today and it is being used for thousands of years by our ancestors. it has amazing benefits to our body and can be consume by any group age. 
Scientific name of ashwgandha is Withania somnifera, is a member of Solanaceae family. it is a evergreen herb which mostly found in India, Middle east and some parts of Africa as well. 
Ashwgandha is a made of two Sanskrit words 'ashwa', meaning horse and 'gandha', meaning smell. it is commonly known as Indian Ginseng or winter cherry. 
Ashwgandha is being used for thousands of year to improve concentration, relieve stress and increase energy level. 
It is generally referred as 'royal herb' because of its amazing health benefits to human being for instance it boost performance, increase stamina, libido, reduce stress and anxiety, reduce joint pain and help treat diabetes.
In this article we will get to know the amazing benefits of ashwagandha, based on research. 

1. Boost athletic performance

Many research has shown positive effect of ashwgandha on boost athletic performances.
A systemic review and bayesisan meta-analysis study of 2021 has been shown that, Ashwgandha was more effective than placebo(placebo is a pill, injection, or thing that appears to be a medical treatment, but isn't). aswhgandha helps to improve strength, cardioresporatory fitness and fatigue/recovery in both healthy male and female.
Another study of 2020, whose purpose was to know effects of ashwgandha on VOâ‚‚max. in this study they selected five prior done studies and they found that ashwgandha supplementation might increase the VOâ‚‚max in athlete and non-athlete as well.
VOâ‚‚ max refers to maximum oxygen consumption by your body that can absorb and use during workout.

2. Help reduce stress and anxiety

Ashwgandha is classified as adaptogen, a substance which increase the state of non-specific resistance in stress and decreases stress. 
A double blind study of 2012 has shown that the group who consumed ashwgandha supplements has shown reduction of 27.9% from baseline. In contrast, a reduction of 7.9% was observed in the placebo-control group. The difference in the reduction of serum cortisol levels in the two groups on Day 60 was statistically significant. 
Ashwgandha not only help to reduce stress and anxiety in human being but also in dogs, a study of 2022 has been shown that giving 15 mg/kg body-weight of Ashwagandha root extract once daily for 4 weeks had significantly reduction in urine cortisol to creatine ratio and fear and anxiety, compared to placebo.

3. Boost testosterone level 

Ashwgandha supplements have also been shown increasement in testosterone level and increase fertility according some studies. 
A pilot study of 2013 has been conducted on forty-six male patients with oligospermia (sperm count < 20 million/mL semen), they consumed ashwagandha (675 mg/d in three doses for 90 days) and found that there was a 167% increase in sperm count, 53% increase in semen volume, and 57% increase in sperm motility on day 90 from baseline.
Another study of 2015 has shown significant higher improvement, relative to placebo, in the FSFI (Female Sexual Function Index ), arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and satisfaction, and successful sexual encounters in females at the end of the treatment. 
However, researchers also concluded that there are need of more high qualities studies to confirm the potential benefits of ashwagandha.

4. Reduce inflammation

Ashwagandha contains anti-inflammatory properties which helps to reduce inflammation in the body(1) . 
A study investigated the anti-inflammatory and cytokine modulatory effect of ASH-WEX in vitro and the result of this study has revealed that ashwagandha treatment inhibited the MAPK ( nitrogen-activated protein kinase) and NF-κB pathways to decrease the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increase the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Apparently we need more high qualities studies to explore more about ashwagandha. 

5. Improve brain functions. 

Ashawagandha improves cognitive function by helping maintain reaction times, preventing mental fatigue, and remaining vigilant(1).
A study of 2017 has shown that consuming ashwagandha-root extract 300 mg twice daily for eight weeks can be effective in enhancing both immediate and general memory in people with MCI (mild cognitive impairment) as well as enhance executive function, attention, and information processing speed. 
Another study of 2016 has been shown that ashwagandha helps in managing the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease at an early stage. Clinical trials show that these herbal medicine can help improve memory and cognitive capacity of mice suffering with Alzheimer.

6. Ashwagandha aids weight loss

Ashwagandha does not directly involve in weight loss but it helps indirectly in weight loss. it reduces the high cortisol level(also known as Stress hormone) which is the one of leading cause of weight gain. 

In a study researchers took 52 subjects under chronic stress and gave them either Ashwagandha (300 mg) or placebo twice daily and the results of this study suggest that Ashwagandha helps in reducing serum cortisol level, improve mental health, and reduce food craving which ultimate results in weight loss.


Possible Side effects of Ashwagandha 

However there are rarely any side effects of ashwagandha but there are some quite possible side effects of ashwagandha:
  • Stomach Upset
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting and
  • Rarely liver problem may occur. 

In what form you can take ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha are available in the form of powders, elixirs, pills, and capsules. tablets and powders are most common that available in the market. 

When to avoid consume ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is very safe for most of people. 
However, according some doctors, ashwagandha is to be avoided when individual suffering from fever.  
If someone is pregnant, breastfeeding or on drugs should consult their doctor before taking ashwagandha. 

How much ashwagandha per day or daily recommended dose of ashwagandha?

There is no confirm daily dose of ashwagandha. however, some research shows that a safe amount is between 125mg and 5mg twice a day.   

When to take it in night or day?

As we know it comes in many form but the two forms are very common i.e., tablets and powder and most the people take it in these form that can be taken at any time of the day. 
So, you can take it according to your suitability it will not affect its efficacy. 

Can ashwagandha be taken on an empty stomach?

Ashwagandha can be taken on an empty stomach or as well after with small snack (if you are concerned about digestion).

Here are some most bought ashwagandha supplement from amazon you can also give try to them.

1. Himalaya Ashvagandha - General Wellness Tablets, 60 Tablets | Stress Relief | Rejuvenates Mind & Body.
2.  MuscleBlaze Ashwagandha 1000mg, Ayurveda for Performance, Ayush Approved, High Strength Potent Formula, Boost Muscle Mass & Strength, Enhance Immunity, Non-GMO, 60 Tablets.

3.  HealthKart HK Vitals Muscle Builder - 100% Natural Blend of Ashwagandha, Shatavari and Safed Musli - 60 Tablets - for Immunity, Muscle Strength and Vitality 

4. TrueBasics Ashwagandha, 600mg of KSM 66 Ashwagandha, Energy and Immunity Booster, Clinically Researched Ingredients, 60 Ashwagandha Capsules 

5. CF 100% Organic Ashwagandha Powder - Withania Somnifera - USDA Certified Organic Ashwagandha for Vitality, Strength & Stress Management - 100g Veg Powder 

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