What's the right way to consume whey protein with milk or with water : Take protein with milk or water

What's the right way to consume whey protein with milk or with water, should i take protein with milk or water

This article will help you to know "What's the right way to consume whey protein : With milk or with water".

There are lots of confusion among beginners that what's the right way to take whey protein with milk or with water. 

By the way there is no harm to take whey protein with milk or water both the ways are good.

It is depend on your aim like bulking or gaining, according to your aim you can take your whey protein for bulking, increasing muscle mass you can go with milk and for lean body go with water. 

Whey protein with water

Whey protein with water is best for those who are looking for lean body, cutting because water contains zero calories. 

One scoop of protein mixed with 200ml to 300ml chilled or cooled water and consume it after 30 min of your workout for better result. 

On the other hand when you add one scoop of protein with milk it also increase the number of calories which helps in bulking, but when you add protein with water it remain same calories of protein no extra calorie. 

So, if you are on cutting phase or want to grown lean muscle mass then it is better to take whey protein with water. 

Whey protein with Milk

Whey protein with milk is best for those who are looking for muscle gain or bulking because milk also contains protein with healthy fat which increase the number of calories.

Milk contains two type of protein Casein protein and whey protein. whey protein has fast digestion rate but casein protein takes time to digest. 

So it is good to take protein with milk some other time in a day like before going to bed, in a sank time or to reduce food craving. 

Whey protein with milk is good choice for those who are hard gainers. 


Right time to take whey protein 

1. Build muscle mass- Consume right after 15-30 min of workout. 

2. Prevent muscle loss- Eat 25-30g of protein in every meal.

3. To improve performance and recovery- During workout or just after and before workout. 

4. Weigh lose- Eat high protein food in between meals. 


How much protein scoop should consume in a day?

You can take 1-2 scoop daily with 200-300 ml of water or milk according to your fitness goal in a day. 

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