5 best yoga poses for Insomnia - fitROSKY


5 best yoga poses for Insomnia - fitROSKY

Insomnia is very common problem in which individual feel hard to sleep, hard to stay asleep or cause you to wake up too early and not able to fall asleep again. And unfulfilled sleep may lead you to tiredness and can sap your energy level, mood and definitely affect your health. 

There are some common cause of insomnia, including mental health disorder, certain medications, excessive consumption of alcohol or nicotine or caffeine, unorganized lifestyle, eating too much late in the evening and etc. 

If your are feeling any difficulty of getting fall asleep then you must try yoga poses which will help you to fall asleep and also help overcome through stress or depression. this article show you 5 best yoga poses for insomnia:

Also read: Yoga to calm your mind

1. Child pose

Sit over the Knee and place your hip on heels , now try to bend in the forward direction on the ground. keep your hand alongside your body with hands on the floor. now hold the position for one min and back to normal sitting position and then repeat.

5 best yoga poses fot insomnia

2. Viparita Karani

Just lay down and place a horizontal block under your hip and put all the weight on the block and lift your feet towards the sky.

5 best yoga poses fot insomnia

Also read: Yoga for better Sleep


3. Uttanasana

Stand straight and maintain some gap between your legs, relax your knees and gradually bend to forward from waist. allow your arms, head and neck to be a very heavy. now release the tension to your lower back. now hold the position for one min.

5 best yoga poses fot insomnia
Also read: Benefits of proper sleep

4. Savasana

Just lay down on ground very straight, now gently open your feet. palms should in upward direction. role your shoulder down your back. hold this position for 1 min and the come to back to normal position.


5 best yoga poses fot insomnia


5. Supta Baddha konasana ​​

Sit on the mat with your straight legs in front of you. Now bend your knees and bring the sole of both of your feet together, gradually lean back and lie down on your back. Now inhale deep and relax, hold this position for some time approx-5min and then come back to the normal position.


5 best yoga poses fot insomnia

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