Top 3 ways to increase stamina - fitROSKY

Top 3 ways to increase stamina


Stamina is an energy and strength which allow you to sustain mental and physical effort for prolong time but in this sedentary life folks used to lose their stamina gradually and lead to you fatigue, exhaust, feeling low energy a day long. 

Good stamina allows you to do your daily activity without getting tired, help run faster for long distances, can lift more weight, increases pain threshold, reduces fatigue and discomfort. 

Simple, the more you have stamina, the more your life become easy. 

Symptoms of low stamina

A person having a low stamina often feel tired after little effort and always experience lack of energy or focus.

What can cause low stamina?

There are several reason that can cause low stamina, included:

1. Dehydration

Dehydration means low water in your body, which directly link to your stamina because low water can cause fatigue and poor stamina. 

Dehydration increased your body temperature that results in increased heart rate and faster depletion of glycogen (body used glycogen for energy). 

2. Poor nutrition

Nutrition plays an very vital role in stamina, a poor diet or lack of nutrition can easily hamper your stamina. 

A balanced diet is very important for your overall health, it can prevent your from certain health condition, such as obese, underweight, diabetes and so on. 

Always track your calories intake and make sure 50-60% of your calories should come from carbs and 30-20% from fat and rest 20-30%  from protein. 

3. Poor sleep 

Sleep plays an important role in stamina because sleep gives the time to your body to recharge itself and get rid of physical and mental stress, so you can start your day with full of energy and good thoughts. 

But a deprived sleep can cause low stamina, stress, depression, overweight, fatigue and feel low energy all day long. 

So adults should take 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep every 24 hours for better stamina and good health. 

4. Stress

Stress has direct impact on your stamina. stress can occur due to constant secretion of cortisol hormone (also known as stress hormone), which hamper the body's metabolism and affect the body's ability to metabolize carbs and fat and in results fatigue, exhausted and low energy level. 

There are plenty of natural ways to reduce stress, such as Yoga, physical exercise, good sleep, dense nutrient meal. 

3 ways to increase stamina


Yoga is group of physical, mental and spiritual practices and it is originated in India. Regular practice of yoga can increase endurance, stamina, calmness, flexibility, well being, promote better breathing, support heart health, reduce stress, depression.

Yoga has six branches, hatha yoga, raja yoga, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga, tantra yoga.  

Also read: Morning yoga to boost your energy

>> Yoga pose for Libido

>> Yoga to strengthen core

Here are some yoga poses that can help you to increase your stamina:

A. Bow pose

Lie down on your stomach on the ground, bend your knee toward hips and reach your arm back and hold the ankle, now gently start raising your chest up and also lift your thighs off the floor. Hold this position for 5-6 breath and repeat. 

Top 3 ways to increase stamina


B. Bridge pose

First lay down on your back, fold your knees and keep your feet 10-12 inches away your pelvis. Ankles should be placed directly under the knees. keep your arms close to the body with palm facing down. now slowly breath in and gradually lift your middle part of back in upward direction, gently roll the shoulder. touch your chest to the chin and put your body weight on your shoulder for better support and make a balance. Hold the position for one or two minutes.

Top 3 ways to increase stamina


C. Boat pose

Lie down on your back with your feet straight and together and arms on your side, arm should be stretched out and finger outstretched toward your toes. 

Now inhale and lift your upper body(chest) and both the feet off the ground simultaneously. stretching your arms towards your feet. make balance on the buttocks and hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds

Top 3 ways to increase stamina

D. Child pose

Sit over the Knee and place your hip on heels , now try to bend in the forward direction on the ground. keep your hand alongside your body with hands on the floor. now hold the position for one min and back to normal sitting position and then repeat.

Top 3 ways to increase stamina

E. Cobra Pose

First comfortably lay down on the mat now put your palm on the floor directly under your shoulder, start bending elbow straight back and touch them to your side don't let them open. Gradually inhale and start lift your chest in upward direction. Only upper part should be lift and lower ribs should touch the ground, now hold the position for 10sec and then lay down and repeat the same.

Top 3 ways to increase stamina

F. Lotus Pose

Sit on the floor in the simple posture with straight back, now take your left foot in to your hand and slowly place your leg on right thigh and repeat with the right leg. remember your back should straight , feel yourself relax, open your chest. 

Now extend your arm and place your both of wrist on the knees with palm facing upward, now close your eyes for 10 slow deep breaths.

Top 3 ways to increase stamina YOGA



Strength training also known as resistance and weight training, which involves the uses of weight or resistance to improve physical strength and endurance. 

There are three types of strength training, Compound training  multiple muscles groups works at the same time), Isometric training  particular muscle or muscle group are contracted by the exercise. during exercise), and Isotonic exercise  muscle maintain the same or equal tension during the exercise). 

Also read: Strength training benefits : Fat loss and strength 

>> Know all about strength training : Types, Benefits, strength training at home or gym

>> How to Increase body strength and stamina without going gym

Here are some strength training exercise to increase your stamina:

1. Pull ups

Pull up is foremost exercise in order to train your back muscles but it also train your biceps muscles, traps along with back muscles. 

Get ready for pull up guys! stand directly under the pull up bar now place your both of palms on the bar palms should be facing away from your body and distance between your hand is equal to your shoulder's width. now start lift your feet up from the floor and try to engage your abdominal muscle by pulling your belly button toward your back, pull your shoulder back and down. now engage your back and arm's muscles, bend your elbows and raise your body toward the bar until your chin is over the bar. do not swing your body. make sure your shoulder blades remains the same throughout the exercise and then extend your both elbows and let your body come down.

You can also make pull up tough by putting some weight on your back to increase your upper body strength and stamina.

Top 3 ways to increase stamina

2. Push Ups

Push up is one of the best exercise in order to train your upper body part it mainly targets your biceps, triceps, anterior deltoid, and chest muscles as well. 

Get into a plank position, place your both palms on the mat, palm should be placed directly under the shoulder, keep your back straight, core tight, and don't put tension on neck. now gently bend your both elbows to go down and slowly lower your body to the floor. Try to touch the floor by your chest and then push your body in upward direction. try to create more tension on biceps for more better results.

You can also make push up tough by putting some weight on your back to increase your upper body strength.

Top 3 ways to increase stamina


3. Bodyweight squat

Most of the people hates to do squat but squat is only the best exercise that can train your whole of the leg muscles and improve your lower body strength, it mainly train your glutes, quadriceps, hamstring. 

Get ready for squat, stand straight on your feet with slightly wider than hip-width apart, keep your chest up, back should be in straight position. Shift your weight on your Heels and push your back into a sitting position and go-down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, pause with knee. Excel and push back to the starting position. Repeat it again as much as you can do. 

Top 3 ways to increase stamina


4. Walking lunges

Walking lunges is also best exercise to train your lower body and gain strength, it targets your quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, core, and glutes.

It just a modified version of walking, in which you have to touch your knee to the ground in a very balanced way with straight back while walking and then come normal position and again do same with  other leg.

Top 3 ways to increase stamina

5. Side plank pose

Side plank is a type of plank in which your have to hold your body on your side (alternate left and then right ) in a very straight position and take support only by one arm and the side of our hold the position for a while and repeat with another side.

Top 3 ways to increase stamina



Term that we used “selective” means you cannot eat whatever you want if you really want to boost your stamina and strength. you have to be a very selective in terms of diet. try to avoid fast food and processed food, yes we know now a days its a part of our life style but for a good health we have to overcome this unhealthy food. eat more green veggies, fruits, egg, meat. because a good diet is key factor in increasing stamina.

Top 3 ways to increase stamina

Some other natural ways to increase stamina

There are some other natural ways that can help increase stamina, such as eat healthy, include carbs in your meal, get proper sleep, eat enough protein, eat healthy fat, never skip your meal, have a gap of 3 hours between your last meal and sleep, maintain your healthy weight. 

The bottom line

Stamina is an energy and strength which allow you to sustain mental and physical effort for prolong time. It plays an important role in daily life. A low stamina can result in stress, discomfort, feeling lazy all day long. So, it is very important to keep your stamina boosted every time. 

Doing yoga, strength training and eating selective diet can boost your stamina. 

Also read: How to improve stamina and strength without Supplements

>> Which Food Increase stamina


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