Does bodyweight exercise increase testosterone level? - fitROSKY

Does bodyweight exercise increase testosterone level? - fitROSKY


There is very important role of testosterone in bodybuilding, it help make your bone stronger, increases muscles mass and decrease the fat. Testosterone is the primary sex hormone which plays an important role in development of testes, prostrate gland, muscle mass, bone and growth of hair. 

Therefore, it is necessary to have optimum amount of testosterone level in body to gain muscle mass, improve bone strength. Low testosterone level can lead to loss of muscular strength, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, fatigue and so on. But there are lots of studies present that claim that bodyweight exercise can increase testosterone level, but not all exercise is created equal.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone and also known as male hormone but it also found in female in low quantity. 

Testosterone plays an important role in development of testes, prostate gland and also responsible for secondary sexual characteristics, like increased muscle mass, bone mass, growth of body hair. It also influence your mood, behavior. Therefore, low level of testosterone can easily affect your health.

In male it is secreted by the testicles and in female by the ovaries but in a lesser extent. On an average males contains 7 to 8 times as great as in adult females. 

Testosterone levels decreases as men age.

Why testosterone is important for your body?

As i told you it is a primary sex hormone and plays key role in development of male's testes and prostrate. Its regulate your sex drive or libido, increases muscles mass, bone mass, fat distribution, strength, help production of RBC and Sperm, regulate pain levels. 

It also important for female body because it help growth, maintenance and repair of reproductive tissues, bone mass and behaviors, promote cognitive health, maintains sex drive.

What happens when your body's testosterone level is low?

Low testosterone level cam easily disturb daily life of male and female both. 

If the testosterone level is low in male then it may lead to erectile dysfunction, reduced muscle mass, reduced bone mass, reduced sex drive, a decrease in energy level, increased body fat, hair loss, reduced testicles size, reduction in the amount of semen, low sperm count, difficulty sleeping, mood swings. 

If the testosterone level is low in female then it may lead to hot flashes, irregular menstrual cycles, vaginal dryness, anemia, behavioral changes, mood swings. 

Also read: Does masturbation reduce testosterone levels?

>> Exercise that can improve your libido


What can cause low testosterone level?

There are lots of factor that can influence the level of testosterone but it is also correct that production of testosterone generally begins to slow down after the age of 30 and after menopause. 

Sometimes younger males also have low testosterone level due to testicles injury or infection, pituitary gland disease, chemotherapy, certain medications, including corticosteroids, genetic condition, excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs. 

In female it because of surgical removal of the ovaries, oral estrogen therapy, adrenal gland insufficiency. 

Also read: How to check testosterone level


What happens when your body's testosterone level is high?

Individual can experience a variety of symptoms of having high testosterone level and possible health consequences. 

In male, high testosterone level can lead to acne, excessive body hair, headache, heart or liver problems, aggressive behavior, high blood pressure, infertility, increased appetite, insomnia, mood swings, low sperm count, prostrate enlargement, leg swelling, high sex drive, unexplained weight gain. 

In female, high testosterone level can lead to anxiety, thickened and darkened skin, deepening of the voice, enlarged clitoris, excess facial and body hair, infertility, increased muscle mass, irregular periods, reduction in breast size, thinning hair, weight gain.

In male high  level of testosterone may occurs due to use of anabolic steroids, supplementation with testosterone, tumor of adrenal gland and in female it may also occurs due to anabolic steroid use or tumors of the adrenal gland or ovaries, but sometimes in female it can occurs due to certain medical condition, such as: PCOS, congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Scientific claim 

A 12 month randomized study has been shown that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise program increased Dihydrotestosterone. 

Another 2004 study showed that long-term exercise increased testosterone level and improve brain function in elderly people. 

Also read:How does testosterone help in bodybuilding


Bodyweight exercise that increase testosterone level

1. Pull ups

Pull up is foremost exercise in order to train your back muscles but it also train your biceps muscles, traps along with back muscles and increases testosterone level. 

Get ready for pull up guys! stand directly under the pull up bar now place your both of palms on the bar palms should be facing away from your body and distance between your hand is equal to your shoulder's width. now start lift your feet up from the floor and try to engage your abdominal muscle by pulling your belly button toward your back, pull your shoulder back and down. now engage your back and arm's muscles, bend your elbows and raise your body toward the bar until your chin is over the bar. do not swing your body. make sure your shoulder blades remains the same throughout the exercise and then extend your both elbows and let your body come down.

If you want make pull up tough you can hold some weight by your legs.

You can also make pull up tough by putting some weight on your back to increase your upper body strength. 

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 10 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Does bodyweight exercise increase testosterone level

2. Push Ups

Push up is the best exercise in order to train your upper body part it mainly targets your biceps, triceps, anterior deltoid, and chest muscles as well. 

Get into a plank position, place your both palms on the mat, palm should be placed directly under the shoulder, keep your back straight, core tight, and don't put tension on neck. now gently bend your both elbows to go down and slowly lower your body to the floor. Try to touch the floor by your chest and then push your body in upward direction. try to create more tension on biceps for more better results.

You can also make push up tough by putting some weight on your back to increase your upper body strength. 

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 20 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Does bodyweight exercise increase testosterone level


3. Bodyweight squat

Most of the people hates to do squat but squat is only the best exercise that can train your whole of the leg muscles and increase the testosterone level and  improve your lower body strength, it mainly train your glutes, quadriceps, hamstring . 

Get ready for squat, stand straight on your feet with slightly wider than hip-width apart, keep your chest up, back should be in straight position. Shift your weight on your Heels and push your back into a sitting position and go-down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, pause with knee. Excel and push back to the starting position. Repeat it again as much as you can do. 

You can also put some weight on your shoulder or you can put some weight on your back packs and do squats.  

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 50 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs


Does bodyweight exercise increase testosterone level


4. Walking lunges

Walking lunges is also best exercise to train your lower body and gain strength, it targets your quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, core, and glutes and it help spike the testosterone level.

It just a modified version of walking, in which you have to touch your knee to the ground in a very balanced way with straight back while walking and then come normal position and again do same with  other leg.

If you want to make walking lunges quite harder than you can hold some weight with your hand at your each side.  

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 20 steps by each legs or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Does bodyweight exercise increase testosterone level

 5. Sprints

Sprints could be a best way in order to increase your testosterone level. 

In sprint you have to cover shorter distance, such as 50, 100, 200 meter with your top most speed of the body. 

Sprints help increases endurance, strength, anaerobic threshold, and also spike your testosterone level.    
Does bodyweight exercise increase testosterone level?

5. Burpees 

Burpee is a full body exercise that used in strength training, this exercise is very helpful to you if your are seeking strength and endurance while burning more calories. 
A standard burpee exercise is used to train your legs, hips, abdomen, arms, chest and shoulders. 

Start your burpee by doing push-up which is followed by a jump squat.

Sets:- 4

Reps:- 10 or till the failure

Rest:- 40 secs

Does bodyweight exercise increase testosterone level?

What else i can do to increase testosterone level

If you are constantly experiencing symptoms of low testosterone such as, loss of muscle mass, fatigue or depression than testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the best treatment for low level of testosterone. 

Testosterone replacement therapy is available in many form, such as skin patches, gels, mouth patch, injections and implants. 

There are some other ways to level up your testosterone:

  • Get plenty of sleep 
  • Certain supplements, such as vitamin D, zinc, and Ashwagandha. 
  • Reduce stress level with YOGA
  • Cut down the consumption of alcohol and drugs. 

 Also read: Foods that boost testosterone level

 >> Yoga to increase Testosterone



So, at last it is worth to do bodyweight exercise because it can help increase your testosterone level. but if you have extremely low level of testosterone then it is better to go with testosterone replacement therapy or you can consult to your doctor for better advise.

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