Exercise duirng periods : is it good to do exercise when you have your periods?

Exercise duirng periods : is it good to do exercise when you have your periods?


It is very common concern about doing exercise or not when you are on your period and perhaps you want to skip or do skip the exercise then in this condition you are not only one who thought about this. 

There are lot of people who skip their exercise during their periods but actually their is not scientific evidence that claim it. 

The physical and mental benefits of exercise remains same whether your are on your periods or not so it doesn't make any sense to skip your exercise, in fact being regular to your workout help relieve some of the common complains that caused by menstruation. 

Here this article shows you benefits of exercise on your period:


1. Improve your moods

Mood swing is very common in periods but being regular to your workout can improve your mood and increase circulation. 

Also read:How to prevent irregular or abnormal menstruation


2. Decrease PMS (Premenstrual) syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome are symptoms (mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability and depression) that occur in women, typically between ovulation and a period. 

According to a study the women who are physically active have reported less premenstrual symptoms. 

Also read: What could be a possible reason behind irregular menstrual cycle or periods.


3. Help relieve menstrual cramp

Primary dysmenorrhoea or menstrual cramp is define as pain in the lower abdomen area occurring before or during menstruation and physical exercise can relieve primary dysmenorrhea. 

A study has shown that  performing aerobic exercise can improve primary dysmenorrhea.

Exercises you must try during periods:

  • Light walking
  • Stretching 
  • Low volume strength training
  • Yoga 
  • Pilates
  • Dancing
  • Swimming

Also read: Yoga to reduce menstrual cramp

>>Best 5 yoga to regulate your irregular menstruation

Exercise you must avoid during periods:

  •  High volume strength exercise 
  • Avoid inversion yoga poses
  • Avoid exercise for prolong
  • Don't push your limit, listen to your body.


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