Why sugar is not good for health? | Side effects of sugar - fitROSKY

Why sugar is not good for health | Side effects of sugar


Sugar is most consumed compound because it can be found in even the most unexpected products, including processed foods, snacks. the one who solely eat these foods are most likely to consume a bigger amount of sugar than daily recommended dose. 

According to AHA (American Heart Association), man should consume no more than 36g (or 150 calories) of added sugar and women no more than 25 grams (or 100 calories) per day. if you are consuming double the amount of added sugar than you must likely to get unwanted malignant disease. 

Here this article shows you why sugar is not good for your health, below are some most common side effects of sugar:

1. Cause weight gain

Sugar help weight gain is very common side effects of consuming more sugar. in today's worlds obesity is one of the foremost concern health condition and the main culprit of obesity is sugar sweetened beverages. 

Excessive consumption of fructose increase the appetite and cause resistance to leptin (it is hormone which regulates your appetite and tells your body when to stop eating). 

A meta analysis of the studies has been shown that sugar sweetened beverages consumption promotes weight gain in children and adults.


2. Can cause acne 

Food and drinks contains more sugar has been linked to higher risk of developing acne because sugar foods or beverages quickly spike your blood sugar and insulin level which cause the spike of oil production, androgen secretion and inflammation, all these factors are responsible for development of acne. 

A study has been shown that low glycemic diets are linked with low acne risk, while high glycemic diet are linked with greater acne risk. 

Also read: Myths and Facts of acne which you should know

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3. Spiked the risk of getting type 2 diabetes

In type 2 diabetes your body become insulin resistance which means your body not able to use sugar that present in your blood and in chronic condition results in too much sugar circulating in the bloodstream, which may lead to disorders of the circulatory, nervous and immune systems.

According to study it is estimated that 462 million individuals are affected by type 2 diabetes, globally. 

Long term consumption of sugar drives resistance to insulin. 

Studies have shown that a higher intake of sugar-sweetened fruit juice was significantly associated with risk of type 2 diabetes. 

Also read: Yoga for Diabetes


4. May lead to depression 

A healthy and balanced diet can improve your mind, while an unhealthy diet may increased the chance of developing depression. 

According to a study consumption of sweetened beverages, may increase depression risk among older adults. 


 Also read: Sign and symptoms that may be a signal of low blood sugar level

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