Anti-aging yoga poses | Yoga poses for stop aging - fitROSKY

Anti-aging yoga poses | Yoga poses for stop aging


Aging is a natural process to become older, it is not merely associated with your skin while it include your heart, bones, joints, hair, sexuality, sight and so on. There are some factors which are responsible for your premature aging, including sleeping disturbance, lifestyle, biological factor, physiological factors, and social factors. All these factors are controllable except genetic one. 

Yoga could play important role to stop aging, it can help rejuvenate your skin, calm your mind, improve your metabolism and improve your quality of life as well. 

A study has shown that the effectiveness of facial exercise in order to reduce the aging in middle-aged women. 

Here this article shows you best anti-aging yoga poses:

1. Dog Pose

First start with plank position and breath in and pull your abdomen in and lift your hip upward direction and now gradually bring your feet closer to your hand and keep some distance between your feet and hands. Gradually take your head deep down with shoulder. hold the position for a while.


Anti-aging yoga poses | Yoga poses for stop aging

 Also read: 5 best yoga poses for Insomnia


2. Stand forward bend pose

Stand straight and maintain some gap between your legs, relax your knees and gradually bend to forward from waist. allow your arms, head and neck to be a very heavy. now release the tension to your lower back. now hold the position for one min.

Anti-aging yoga poses | Yoga poses for stop aging
Also read: Yoga to calm your mind

3. Bow pose

Lie down on your stomach on the ground, bend your knee toward hips and reach your arm back and hold the ankle, now gently start raising your chest up and also lift your thighs off the floor. Hold this position for 5-6 breath and repeat. 

Anti-aging yoga poses | Yoga poses for stop aging

Also read: Yoga to strengthen core


4. Kapalbhati 

Sit in meditative pose, with relax body and keep your eyes close. Passively inhale deeply and expand the chest and then exhale the breath with forceful contraction of your abdominal muscles and relax. Continue passive deep inhalation and forceful exhalation. You can complete your one round by taking 30 breath.  


Anti-aging yoga poses | Yoga poses for stop aging

Also read: Yoga to reduce hairfall


5. Tree pose

Stand straight comfortably, lift your left leg and bend from knee and place the foot high up on your right thigh and start inhale and raise your hand over the head and make a position of Namste by bringing your both the palm together. Stand straight and make a balance and exhale gradually and come to the normal position. Repeat this pose on next leg.

Anti-aging yoga poses | Yoga poses for stop aging

Also read: Yoga to reduce menstrual cramp

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