How to avoid foggy glasses with mask : Tips to get rid of Foggy glasses with mask in winter

How to avoid foggy glasses with mask : Tips to get rid of Foggy glasses with mask in winter


Foggy glasses with mask specially in winter is the most common or irritating thing happens with spectacles wearer. 

Repeated fogging on you glasses may interrupt you to do your work or driving. 

You can't see properly with fogged glasses, may inconvenient or a serious risk (rely on your type of work your are doing when your glasses are fog up).

Here are some methods that can help you to wear fogging free glasses, even when you are wearing a face mask, here in this article we are going to mention some of the methods to avoid foggy glasses with mask:


1. Wash your spectacles or glasses with soap

Before going to wear your glasses wash them with liquid soap or detergent and let them dry or wipe out it with lint free cloth. 

Soap make a thin layer of soap molecule which inhibits the fog formation on your glasses.


2. Use nose clip face mask

Sometime your glasses are fogging because improper fitting of face mask on your nose. wear the mask with adjustable nose clip. 

Once you wear the mask correctly, pinch your nose clip of mask tightly so that your warm breath can't produce fogging on your glasses. 

If your mask doesn't contains nose clip then you can buy self adhesive nose clip. 


3. Adjust your glasses in order to prevent fogging

The American Academy of Ophthalmologist has suggested some way to resist fogging. 

Slide your glasses down to your nose so that your warm breath could easily pass between your glasses and your mask. 

Or you can wear your glasses over the edge of your mask, so the weight of your glasses resist air to escape upward. 


4. Spray anti-fog lens spray on your glasses

There are lots of anti-fog spray available in the market. 

These Anti fog spray works by preventing the build-up of moisture or condensation on the lenses. it minimizes surface tension on your lenses, which reduces the build-up of moisture and other droplets. 


5. Seal your mask 

If your mask doesn't contain nose clip then stick a piece of double sided tape on the bridge of the nose before putting on a mask, it is an inexpensive way to resist the warm breath and prevent fogging.



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