food for cataract prevention | food good for eye cataract : Cataract

food for cataract prevention, food good for eye cataract, Cataract

According to the WHO (World Health Organization),it is estimated that globally there are 65.2 million people having cataract and it cause moderate to severe vision loss in >80% cases.

Cataract is the condition of the eye, development of any opacity in the crystalline lens known as
cataract. it mostly occurs after the age of 50 but it can also in newborn and early 50s.

It is also a leading cause of blindness, 51% cases of blindness are the result of cataract, estimated 20 million people.

Person having cataract can feel difficulty in night driving, reading, seeing distance vision.
in most of the cases cataract develop gradually and don't restrict your vision early on but over
the time it eventually begins to interfere with your vision.

Cataract is the of the most common eye disease in old age.

Glare, Sensitivity to the light, Cloudy vision, Loss of vision, Seen black spot in front of eyes are
some of the symptoms of cataract.

Age, Heredity, Smoking, Sex, More exposure to sunlight, Poor diet, Dehydration, Ocular trauma these are some risk factor of cataract.

As we all know that eating a healthy diet (fruits and green vegges) have various health benefits,
and may also help prevent cataract because poor diet is one of the cause getting cataract.

But it is a fact that 'there is no way for complete prevention of cataract', but some lifestyles choices may lesser the risk of cataract.  

Food which may help to prevent cataract

1. Almonds

Almonds and other nuts are good for your eyes, almonds are rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin E helps to fight against free radicals.
Regular consumption of Vitamin E can help to protect from Cataract and Age related macular degeneration as well.
Daily goal of vitamin E consumption is 15 mg of Vitamin E. you can eat nuts as a snack or during
food cravings.     

2. Carrots

Carrot is best known for good eye health. it contains good amount of Vitamin A and also beta carotene. Vitamin A is good for your vision and prevents from eye infection. you can also eat raw carrot.

3. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruit are the rich source of vitamin C, which is the key factor of healthy eye.
Vitamin C acts like an antioxidant which help to kill free radical and prevents cataract. vitamin c mainly found in fresh green veges and citrus fruits. You can consume it in the juice form,like orange juice and lemon juice.

4. Eggs

Eggs are known as super-food and good for overall health. it contains lutein, zeaxanthin, zinc and vitamin A that all are vital to your eye health.

Lutein and Zeaxnthin are an antioxidant which help lower the chance of getting cataract and age-related macular degeneration, Vitamin A help protect cornea and zinc support retina health.

5. Fish 

Fish, rich source of the omega-3 fatty acid which is known to reduce or prevent the risk of cataract development.  

There are some other source of omega-3 fatty acid, shrimp, salmon, tuna, herring, walnut, flaxseed oil. You can consume fish twice a week to protect your eyes. 

Also Read

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