How to improve mind-muscle connection | Best tips for mind-muscle connection

How to improve mind-muscle connection | Best tips for mind-muscle connection


In the previous article we discuss about that 'what is mind-muscle connection and the benefits of mind-muscle connection in bodybuilding', in this article we will discuss about that how you can improve mind-muscle connection in order to gain more muscle mass, better symmetry and injury free training. 

Mind-muscle connection help to create bond between your brain and muscle, that result in better muscle contraction, better body symmetry, self-awareness and develop joy. 

Tips to improve mind-muscle connection

1. Don't focus on lifting the weight, just train your muscle. 

One of the basic key to improve mind-muscle connection is to focus on training the muscles. 

In the beginning most of us used to focus on lifting weight in order to increase biceps sizes, chest or leg size, lifting more weight can lead to injuries. 

So it is best to focus on your muscles rather than weight plates, focus on your chest muscle not on weight plates. 

Related article: What is Mind-muscle connection and benefits of mind-muscle connection in bodybuilding?

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2. Try to visualize your target muscles during exercise

You all know very well to Arnold Schwarzenegger, he used to believe in visualization of  muscles and this technique really help him to connect his brain to muscles, which results in better pump and growth of that particular body part.

So for better mind-muscle connection do visualization. 


“The Body Is Very Important, But The Mind Is MORE Important Than The Body...”

~ Arnold Schwarzenegger ~

3. Slow reps 

More slower the reps, stronger the mind-muscle connection. 

Doing slow reps rather than fast is best way to increase time under tension. performing slows reps helps you feel better contraction of muscle and stretching from start to finish. 

Isolation movements exercise are much effective when you perform with slow movements. 

Related article: 5 best compound exercise for muscle gain


4. Do warm up sets on each exercise 

Most of the gym gums think that doing warm up is just waste of time and nothing, so for your kind information, warm is very necessary it helps prevent injury, improve your muscle and body temperature, increase flexibility and most important it help to improve mind-muscle connection.

Related article: Why is warm up important before exercise or workout : Warm up Importance 

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