Why is warm up important before exercise or workout : Warm up Importance


Why is warm up important before exercise or workout : Warm up Importance

Before stepping toward your exercise or workout think about warm up, that it is necessary or what is the importance of warm up before exercise?

Warm up is overlooked by most of the people because it doesn't seem much important.

Doing warm up surely consume your time but it really help you to perform exercise in a better way. 

Either you can do whole body workout to activate all the muscle groups or you can do warm up for particular muscle group or body part before going to train that body part. 

In this article we will talk about importance of warm up before workout stay tuned with us till at last:

1.Help to reduce injury

Injury is most familiar to the athletes or bodybuilders or power-lifters but doing proper warm up before exercise can help to reduce risk of injury. 

Warm-up help improve muscle elasticity and cooling which decrease the chance of getting risk due. 


2. Help to improve your muscle and body temperature

Warm-up help to improve body temperature slowly which has several benefits to your body. as your body temperature increases, oxygen level becomes more available which allow contract and relax to your muscles easily. 

Warm-up also help to prepare your heart before strenuous exercise. 


3. Help to increase flexibility 

Stretching along with warm-up, will help increase blood flow to your overall body. stretching helps increase range of motion and prevent from injury as well


4. Help you to mentally prepare

Without being much prepare you can't give your 100% in workout especially in your low times. always remember one thing if your are mentally prepared than you can do your strenuous exercise very easily and if you are not prepared well than you can't even do much of your capability. 

Warm-up can help you to make mentally prepare, during warm-up time you can think about what you are about to do. 


Most common warm up exercise you must try before exercise:

  • Push Up
  • Dips
  • Pull Ups
  • Skipping
  • Burpees
  • Back stretch
  • Split squat
  • Forward hang
  • Shoulder stretch
  • Neck rotation
  • Jogging
  • Slow walk
  • Cycling
  • Shoulder circles 


Components of good warm-up before exercise:

You can do warm-up on a low to moderate intensity to activate your muscles before hit the strenuous exercise. 

Warm-up for 10-15 is enough to do. 

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