Best home remedies for cough and cold | How to get rid of common cold and cough this winter

Best home remedies for cough and cold | How to get rid of common cold and cough this winter


Winter has been almost arrived and it comes with lots of common health problem, including common cold and cough. 

Common cold and cough is very common problem which occurs in winter session, it also get resolved itself in 5-6 days, but in come cases it remains for long time when you should seek to your near by physician. 

By adapting some home remedies you can get relief from common cold and cough, here in this article we are going to mention best home remedies for cough and cold in winter:

 1. Drink the mixture of Lemon, cinnamon and honey

This is one of the effective home remedy in order to treat common cold and cough. 

Take half tablespoon of honey, few drop of lemon, a pinch of cinnamon and mix it well and consume this home made syrup twice a day to treat your common cold and cough. 

2. Gargle with salt water and drink lukewarm water

Gargling with salt water is very effective and old therapy to treat your common cold and cough, it relives instantly. 

And by drinking lukewarm can relieve you from sore throat and cough as well. warm water helps reduces the inflammation in the throat. 

3. Turmeric milk

Turmeric milk is the of the renowned home remedy in order to treat cough and cold. turmeric contains powerful antioxidant properties which help prevent oxidative stress. 

Drinking warm turmeric milk before going to bed helps recovery from common cold and cough. 

4. Ginger tea

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce in shore throat and cure common cold and cough as well. 

You can drink ginger tea twice a day. 

5. Honey 

Honey contains antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which help cure common cold and cough. 

Drinking honey in tea with lemon can treat your shore throat pain. 

Also read: Hidden benefit of Honey

6. Garlic 

Garlic also contains antimicrobial properties. 

According to some research garlic help reduce the severity of cold symptoms. 

You can add a garlic supplement to your diet for better results.

Also read: Hidden benefits of Garlic

7. Ginger 

Ginger is known as superfood because it helps prevent some common health problems, including common cold, flu, cough. 

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that could help in sore throat. 

Also read: Hidden benefits of Ginger

8. Steam 

One of the common, easy and effective method to get some relief from cold and cough. 

The warm air which you inhale, add the moisture to the air which help ease your coughing and open up your block nasal way.


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