how to lose weight without exercise or diet | how to lose weight without exercise and diet at home : Weight loss

how to lose weight without exercise or diet | how to lose weight without exercise and diet at home : Weight loss

People who are living sedentary life or those who are highly busy in their daily schedule are likely prone to gain unwanted weight. 

And you all know very well that weight loss and weight gain both are quite tough for individual and it becomes more tough when you are not able to focus on your diet and physical exercise. 

So this article for those people who want to lose their weight but without seeking help of workout and diet at home. 

Lose your weight without exercise and diet 

1. Intermittent fasting 

Don't fall for full day fasting just go with intermittent fasting, it is one of the best way to reduce your weight without exercise and diet. 

intermittent fasting method 16:8 or 16/8 in which individual has to keep fasting for 16 hours and has to eat to an 8 hour of eating window.

During fasting time you are not allowed to eat anything but you can drink water and non-caloric beverages.


2. Drink more water

Water is one of the most plentiful and essential of compound. It is neutral in nature. human body is also made up of 70% of water.

Water also contains mineral which body cannot produce itself and these minerals are helpful for our health.

Water doesn't contains any calories which make weight loss more simple. you can drink one glass of water before 30 min of meal which will gives you a feeling of fullness and help weight loss. 


3. Avoid eating junk food and sugar 

Junk food and sugar plays an major role in unwanted weight gain and also responsible for certain health conditions. 

Junk food and sugar contains too much calories and unhealthy fat. try to avoid these food and replace with green vegetables and fruits. 

4. Eat protein-rich food

Protein is the most important source to build and maintain muscle. 

Protein takes long time to digest compare to other macronutrients which gives the felling of fullness, help weight loss.

Protein also helps to prevent food cravings

  • Chicken, turkey, duck, etc.
  • Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc.
  • Eat the yolk.
  • Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, quark, yogurt, etc.
  • In vegan options lentils, tofu, seeds and nuts. 


5. Eat fiber-rich food

Fiber has too many benefits along with weight loss, fiber rich food helps to normalize the bowl movement and prevents constipation too. 

Fiber helps manage your weight because it takes time in digestion and gives feeling of fullness which prevents food craving and maintain healthy weight and also control blood sugar level. 

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