5 BEST WAYS TO REDUCE WAIST FAT | how to reduce waist fat | exercise for waist fat


Belly fat or Waist fat can be dangerous for your health. it can fade your personality as well. without reducing it you can't achieve perfect V-shape body or your desired body.

Having a fat belly leads to various type of health problem like Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Cardiac disease, high cholesterol level and many more so it is necessary to reduce fat to live healthy life.

so here we comes with 5 best exercise for waist for you -

1-SIDE PLANK- it is good for strengthening the oblique muscles and good for waist also. you will hold your body on your side(left and right) in straight position supported only by one arm and the side of our foot.Try to hold for prolong time.


2-HEEL TOUCHES- it helps to give your sharp waist. for doing this you have to lay down with your back on the floor and your knees bent and pointed towards ceiling and then using your abs rotate your right hand down to your right foot and then back up and than do same thing with left hand.




3-OBLIQUE CRUNCHES- it is a form of simple crunches for waist and oblique muscles. lie on your side, forearm down, knees slightly bent. roll slightly back onto your glute than lift legs up bringing your knees to your elbow while at the same time crunching your elbow toward your knee. squeeze your waistline with each lift.


4-RUSSIAN TWIST- it is good for strengthening your core and sharp waist. it targets all the abdominal
muscles. sit on the ground and bring your legs out straight. lean back slightly so your torso and legs
form a V-like shape. balancing here, twist your torso from side to side without moving your legs.

5-BICYLCE CRUNCHES- its rotational action emphasizes the obliques and waist. lie on your back on the ground and bent knees for 90 degrees, and your hand should be placed behind your ears. raise your head and shoulders off the ground, and bring your right armpit and left knee towards each other. and do the same with left armpits. 

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