Best yoga to reduce Hypertension or High Blood Pressure

Also read- Yoga to reduce migraine

This article belongs to "Best yoga to reduce hypertension and high blood pressure".
Hypertension is the condition of the heart in which force which is generated by blood is too high against the artery wall.

Normal Blood Pressure- below than 120/80 mm Hg
High Blood Pressure- above 140/90 mm Hg

If your blood pressure persist too high than it can cause some serious damage to the blood vessels. this blood vessels damage can cause heart failure, vision loss, stroke, kidney disease and other health issue.

Severe headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, vision loss, shortness of breath, these are the
symptoms of High blood pressure.

Research have shown that yoga are very effective to reduce high blood pressure.

Best yoga to reduce Hypertension or High Blood Pressure


1. Bridge pose

Lie down on your back on the yoga and fold your legs at the knees and keep your feet 10-12 inches away your pelvis. Ankles should be placed underneath the knees. keep your arms close to the body with palm facing down. now slowly breath in and gradually lift your middle part of back in upward direction, gently roll the shoulder. touch your chest to the chin and put your body weight on your shoulder for better support and make a balance. Hold the position for one or two minutes.


2. Savasana

Savasana is one of the simple yoga  in which you have to lay down on your back on the yoga very straight and now open your feet.your palm should be in upward direction. role your shoulder down your back and hold the position for a while and repeat it again.


3. Viparita Karani

To perform viparita karani, lie down on your back on the floor and place a solid horizontal block underneath hip and put all the body weight on the solid horizontal block and lift your feet towards the ceiling.


4. Vajrasana

a. First knee down and sit back on your heel along with thighs on your calves

b. Make sure your back should be in straight position and place your hands on thighs

c. Take deep inhale and hold this position for 5-6 min. after it come back to the normal position.


5. Parsvottanasana

Stand straight now place your right leg in-front of left leg. place your hand on waist or hips now bend forward from waist and release your hand to the floor, now hold the position for 30 sec. 



Stand straight and keep some gap between legs and relax your knees then gradually start bending your torso forward. allow your upper body to be a very heavy. now release the tension to your lower back.

now hold the position.

 Also read- Facts about Migraine 

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