Home Remedy for Black Hair : fitROSKY


In this article we will talk about "Home remedy for black hair". Now a days greying of hair is one of the common problem among young population. there are so many causes like heredity(70-80%), stress, auto immune disease, thyroid disorder, vit.B-12 deficiency, smoking, pollution etc. so it is preventable? yes of course working on particular causes can prevent but if causes are genetic than there isn't anything you can do to prevent for it.

So here is some of the best home remedy for black hair

1. Amla

- It strengthen the hair and reduce the premature pigment loss from hair.

- It helps reduce hair loss.

- It also stimulate hair growth

- And also prevent from dandruff

*Take half liter water and mix 2tbs of amla powder with 2 lemon juice and apply on scalp.

2. Coconut Oil

- It provides softness to hair and moisture to scalp.

- It makes natural hair thick and strong and black.

- also help in stimulate hair growth 

* mix half cup of coconut oil with half lemon juice and direct apply on scalp.

3. Almond Oil

- It contains Omega fatty acid and vitamin E.

- It gives strength and stimulate hair growth.

- It helps repair of hair.

4. Onion Juice

- Onion moisturized dry hair and scalp

- Onion juice provide more nutrient and better nourishment to hair follicles

- It also promote hair growth and prevent greying of hair.

5. Ghee

- Ghee consist oil which helps to lock scalp's moisture.

- It provides smoothness to hair and strength.

- It helps to maintain hair pigment.

* massage with ghee on scalp for 10-15 min. you can apply on your scalp in twice a week.


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