TOP 4 exercises for bigger traps - fitROSKY

TOP 4 exercises for bigger traps - fitROSKY


Bigger traps like a neck ornaments for an aesthetic or muscular body and which gives you an immense upper body look. 

Trapezius muscles which are commonly known as traps, it is a large paired muscles with a trapezoid shape which extends form occipital bone to the lower thoracic vertebrae and laterally to the scapula. 

Trapezius muscles is divided into three parts: Superior(descending), Inferior(ascending), and middle.  

Trapezius main function is to move and stabilize the scapula. 

Here are the top 4 exercises for bigger traps:

1. Shrugs

One of the best and common exercise for traps, shrug  targets your superior and medial parts. It can be done by both dumbbell and Barbell and cable.

How to do

Keep your back in straight position and hold the dumbbells in your hands, now shrug your shoulder high and pause for a sec, fell every rep.

While want to do with barbell, hold the barbell with the overhand grip slightly more than shoulder-width apart, now bent your knees, lean your torso forward slightly and keeps you arms straight. now shrugs your shoulder upward with straight hand and hold for the moment and return.

Return to the standing position and repeat

Set- 3-4

Rep- 15-20

Rest- 60 sec

TOP 4 exercises for bigger traps | Shrugs


2. Upright rows

It is right exercise to target your traps along with anterior and rear deltoid. Upright rows should performed correctly otherwise it may cause shoulder pain.

How to do

Grab the barbell rod shoulder width-apart and hang the rod in front of you. lift the bar straight up toward the chin. keep the bar close to the body. 

Arms should not to go high than shoulder, now pause here for a sec and return the normal position and repeat.

Set- 3

Rep 10

Rest- 60 secs

TOP 4 exercises for bigger traps | Upright rows


3. Pull Ups

One of the best and simple exercise for your back muscles. it targets your traps, and adjacent muscles. 

How to do 

Hold the bar with overhand or underhand grip shoulder-width apart, hang with your arms fully extended. Keep your shoulders back and engage your abdomen. now move slowly towards the bar until your chest touch the rod or your chin is above the bar and here hold for a sec and then slowly return to the hanging position

Set- 3
Rep- 10-12
Rest- 60 secs

TOP 4 exercises for bigger traps | Pull ups

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4. Barbell row

Bent -over row targets the lats, traps and rhomboids.

How to do

Stand straight feet shoulder width apart in front of loaded barbell. lean forward at the hips until your
torso is about parallel to the floor, now grab the barbell more then the shoulder width. now row the barbell,  pull with your elbow until barbell touches your belly.

Set- 3
Rep- 10-12
Rest- 60 secs

TOP 4 exercises for bigger traps | Barbell row
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