how to gain biceps size | best workout for bicep size

how to gain biceps size, best workout for bicep size


Gaining biceps are quite difficult for beginners because it required correct form, consistency, hardwork and patience.  

Biceps contains two muscles long head and short head, during exercise you must have to target both of the biceps head for better pump. 

For better results in biceps growth you have to train your biceps muscles twice a day in a week. 

Here are some betters ways and workout exercise to gain more biceps size for beginner and intermediate.


1. Take protein in each meal

protein is the most important source to build and maintain muscle. for gaining muscle require 1 gram of protein per pound (2.2 grams per kg) of body weight. and The easiest way to get this amount is to eat a whole protein source with each meal.

how to gain biceps size, best workout for bicep size


2. Drink water

Water is one of the most plentiful and essential of compound, having a PH value of 7. it is neither acid nor basic. It is neutral in nature. human body is also made up of 70% of water. so, you can imagine how much it is important for us.

water also contains mineral which body cannot produce itself and these minerals are helpful for our health.

how to gain biceps size, best workout for bicep size


3. Barbell Curl

One of the best and easiest exercise for biceps. This exercise targets the biceps and increase the size and strength of biceps. 

How to do

Grab the barbell rod shoulder width apart, shoulder pulled tightly together, chest should be up and expose the front of your biceps. 

Elbow should placed directly under the shoulder, now curl the barbell up using the biceps and slowly return to the starting position. make sure that your shoulder should not collapsed forward. 

Sets- 4

Rep- 15-20

Rest- 60 secs


how to gain biceps size, best workout for bicep size, best exercise for big biceps


4. Hammer Curl 

This exercise target your biceps brachialis and brachioradialis.

How to do 

You can either sit or stand while doing this exercise. hold a dumbbell in each hand, turn your wrist so that they are facing each other. keep your arms fixed to the body side and fit the dumbbell toward the shoulders, pause for a sec and return to the normal position.

Sets- 4

Rep- 15-20 per hands

Rest- 60 secs

how to gain biceps size, best workout for bicep size,Hammer Curl, best exercise for big biceps



5. Incline Dumbbell Curl

One of the best exercise, it extend the arms, which creates a longer range of motion. 

How to do

Lay down on your back on incline bench, hold the dumbbell in each hand and let your arms hang so they are fully extend. now lift the dumbbell up to your shoulder without moving your shoulder and pause for the while on the top of the movement.

Sets- 4

Rep- 15-20 per hand

Rest- 60 secs

Incline Dumbbell Curl,best exercise for big biceps, how to gain biceps size, best workout for bicep size



6. Concentration Curl 

Concentration Curl helps to place more focus on the long head of the biceps, which makes the bigger biceps peak.

How to do 

Comfortably sit on the bench and hold the dumbbell in one of your hand and place back of your hand on the inner part of thigh, your hand should be fully extended off the ground. now lift the dumbbell upward with the help of forearm, your upper arm and thigh shouldn't move during the exercise. 


Reps- 10-12

Rest- 40 secs


Seems very tough to grow biceps, try these exercise, stubborn biceps,how to gain biceps size, best workout for bicep size


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Bigger Biceps : 5 best exercise for big biceps

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