Bigger Biceps : 5 best exercise for big biceps

Bigger Biceps,5 best exercise for big biceps


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In this article we will tell you "5 best exercise for bigger biceps".

biceps is one of the famous body part to train among all the beginners because it is easy to train in comparison to other body parts. Most of the people love biceps to train

What does biceps mean. actually it is a muscle part of upper hand. It involves two Head, short head and long head. It is attached to the arms bones by the help of tendons (connective tissue). Tendons connect biceps to the shoulder joint in two places, that are known as proximal biceps tendons.

Tendons also connect with radius and ulna bone known as Distal Biceps Tendon.

Genetic also play an important role in body building, same as in biceps. if your parents have long, flat brachii muscle than it is easy to you to make bigger biceps. 


 Also read- Top 5 home workout for Shoulder without any Equipment


Here we come with 5 best exercise for bigger biceps


1. Barbell Curl

One of the best and easiest exercise for biceps. This exercise targets the biceps and increase the size and strength of biceps. 

How to do

Grab the barbell rod shoulder width apart, shoulder pulled tightly together, chest should be up and expose the front of your biceps. 

Elbow should placed directly under the shoulder, now curl the barbell up using the biceps and slowly return to the starting position. make sure that your shoulder should not collapsed forward. 

Sets- 4

Rep- 15-20

Rest- 60 secs


Barbell Curl, best exercise for big biceps

2. Preacher Curl

In this exercise your biceps will be under tension for a long period of time. you can use EZ bar or barbell rod. 

How to do

Sit on the preacher bench and place your back of triceps on the pad and grab the rod and distance between grip should be less than shoulder width. 

Lock your body in place and lift the bar upward as you flax your biceps, pause the moment at the top of the curl to flex the biceps now return to the starting position.

Sets- 4

Rep- 15-20

Rest- 60 secs


Preacher Curl, best exercise for big biceps


3. Hammer Curl 

This exercise target your biceps brachialis and brachioradialis.

How to do 

You can either sit or stand while doing this exercise. hold a dumbbell in each hand, turn your wrist so that they are facing each other. keep your arms fixed to the body side and fit the dumbbell toward the shoulders, pause for a sec and return to the normal position.

Sets- 4

Rep- 15-20 per hands

Rest- 60 secs

Hammer Curl, best exercise for big biceps



4. Incline Dumbbell Curl

One of the best exercise, it extend the arms, which creates a longer range of motion. 

How to do

Lay down on your back on incline bench, hold the dumbbell in each hand and let your arms hang so they are fully extend. now lift the dumbbell up to your shoulder without moving your shoulder and pause for the while on the top of the movement.

Sets- 4

Rep- 15-20 per hand

Rest- 60 secs

Incline Dumbbell Curl,best exercise for big biceps


 5. Cable curl

In this exercise cable keep the tension on the biceps muscles throughout the movement. 

How to do

Attach the handle of the pulley of a cable machine set to the lowest height. now grab the handle and take few steps back now curl the bar up to your chest and come slowly back to the starting position, upper arms should be locked in a place.

Sets- 4

Rep- 15-20

Rest- 60 secs

Cable curl,5 best exercise for big biceps


Also read Want Bigger Triceps : 5 best exercise for triceps 

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