Yoga for Neck pain


Yoga for Neck pain
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In this article we will talk about "Yoga for Neck Pain".

Usually neck pain is very common in all age group. it may occur due to bad posture, leaning over your computer. 

Untreated neck pain may cause serious condition like headache and even injury. Seek medical care if your neck pain is accompanied by numbness or loss of strength in your arms or hands.

Yoga is one of the best way to get red off neck pain. 

Best Yoga for neck pain 



- The name comes from the Sanskrit word suttāna, "intense stretch"andāsana, "posture"
- Uttanasana is also known as Standing forward bend

How to do

Stand straight and maintain some gap between your legs, relax your knees and gradually bend to forward from waist. allow your arms, head and neck to be a very heavy. now release the tension to your lower back. now hold this position for one min

2. Trikonasana

- This Asana resembles to the triangle shape. It gives you flexibility and strengthening to the spine and other body parts also


a. Stand straight and keep the distance between your legs of 3-4ft.
b. Now turn your feet to 90° and the second one to 15
c. Make the perfect balance.
d. now inhale and gradually exhale and at the same time start bending with the straight waist towards the ground and raise your right hand to upward direction and left hand to downward direction.
e. Now try to stretch the body as much you can do and keep your hand in  straight position.
f. As you inhale come up to the normal standing position.
g. Now repeat the same.

3. Bhujangasana

- This asanas resembles to the Cobra pose. It helps in increasing the mobility of your spine, relieve in back and neck pain and helps in height growth.


a. First comfortably lay down on the mat
b. Put your palm on the floor directly under your shoulder, start bending elbow straight back and touch them to your side don't let them open.
c. Gradually inhale and start lift your chest in upward direction. Only upper part should be lift and lower ribs should touch the ground.
d. Now hold the position for long time(10sec) and then lay down and repeat the same.

4. Cat cow pose

- It provides strength and flexibility to your spine, shoulder and neck. it reduce back pain and neck pain. 

How to do

Sit on your palm(on all your four). Put your palm directly under the shoulder and knee under the hip.
Now as you start inhale as you look up and let your stomach go down and when you exhale as you look down and let your spine go upwards towards ceiling. Do this at least for one minute.

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5. Bridge pose

- It stretches your spine and buttocks and may also relieve in back and neck pain.

How to do

First lay down on your back, fold your knees and keep your feet 10-12 inches away your pelvis. Ankles should be placed directly under the knees. keep your arms close to the body with palm facing down.

now gradually inhale and slowly lift your lower and middle back in upward direction, gently roll the shoulder. touch the chest to the chin without bringing chin to your chest. put your weight on shoulder for support and make a balance. Hold the position for one or two minutes.


6. Half spinal twist

- Improve digestive health

- Relieve in neck pain

- Relieve in Constipation

How to do

Sit with legs straight, now bend your left leg towards the body and place your left leg outside the
right leg. now bend your right leg and place close to buttocks. put your right hand over the left knee
and gently turn your upper body from waist and face over the left shoulder. now hold this position for
while. now repeat with another side.

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