5 Interesting myth and facts about creatine

5 Interesting myth and facts about creatine


Also read- Best Creatine Supplement Under 700 rupees


In this article we will talk about " 5 Interesting myth and facts about creatine" 

Creatine is one of the most popular and most misunderstood supplements on the market. creatine is found in human body and also in fish, red meat. creatine is produced by the kidney, liver and pancreas.

Creatine reduces muscle fatigue by providing extra energy in to your cells. so if you use creatine supplements you can work more for longer, will hit 10 reps instead of 8 reps.

But at the other hand there are lots of myth about creatine. in this article we will try to clear some of myths. 


Myths and Facts of Creatine


Myth 1: Creatine is a steroid

Fact: Creatine is found in human body and some of the amount of creatine produced by liver, kidney and pancreas.

Myth 2: Creatine causes gastrointestinal upset

Fact: It happens in a rare condition. studies has shown that only 5 to 7% people experience it. 

Myth 3: Creatine will help you run faster

Fact: Creatine helps athletes with more fast twitch muscle fiber than slow twitch ones. 

Myth 4: Creatine causes weight gain

Fact: Creatine holds water in muscle cells which may cause water-weight gain initially.

Myth 5: Creatine cause kidney problem

Fact: Creatine has been strictly tested and always appears to be safe in recommended dosages  for your kidney.


Also read- 5 Interesting myth and facts about protein

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