Yoga Exercise or Poses for Strengthening Lungs : Improve Lung Capacity by Yoga



In this article we will talk about "Yoga Exercise or Poses for Strengthening Lungs ". Amid COVID-19 surge people are suffering from corona virus, in which patients fails to breath properly due to infection caused by virus in lungs. So we all have to keep safe and build strong immunity along with strengthening lungs. Strong lungs will prevent you from being infected and also increase the lungs capacity.

Here we present yoga exercise for strengthening lungs

1. Matsyasana

- Improve oxygen level

- Improve blood circulation

lie down on your back on the yoga mat with keep your foot together and place your both of hands underneath the hips. Palm should facing down. Now bring the elbows closer toward each other. gradually inhale and lift chest and head up, lower your head to the backward and try to touch crown of the head to the floor and now put the body weight on your elbows, press the legs and thighs towards the floor. hold the position for a while.



2. Bhujangasana

- Improves blood circulation 

- Expand chest and improve lungs capacity

How to do

Just lay down on your back on the yoga mat and place your both of palms on the floor under your shoulder and slowly start bending your elbow straight back and try to touch your elbow to your side and don't let elbow open. Now gradually breath in and start lift your chest up only upper body part should lift off the ground. hold the position for a while and repeat.


3. Trikonasana

- Improve Blood Circulation

- Improve lungs capacity

How to do

Keep stand straight and make sure the keep the distance between your legs of 3-4ft and now turn your one of leg to 90° and the second feet to 15° and  make the perfect balance. now breath in and out gradually at the same time slowly start bending with the straight waist towards the floor and lift up your right hand and left hand to downward direction. now try to stretch your body as much you can do and keep your hand in straight position. Breath in and come up to the normal standing position and repeat the same.


4. Anulom Vilom 

- Improve lungs capacity

- Improve oxygen level

How to do

Sit straight and place your thumb on left and right nostrils alternate to block left or right nostril. only close one nostril at a time and breath in from the unblock nostril, try to breath slowly as long as your lungs filled with air and release your thumb and use the ring finger to close your other nostril, now slowly exhale through your unblock nostril.

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