Pawanmuktasana | How to do Pawanmuktasana | benefits of Pawanmuktasana | fitROSKY

 Also read-  Sirsasana, how to do Sirsasana and its benefits

The word Pawanmuktasana taken from the Sanskrit in which 'Pawan' means 'Air', ,'Mukta' means 'Free' or 'release' and 'asana' means 'pose' or 'posture'. It is also known for wind relieving pose.

How to do Pawanmuktasana

Lay down on the floor in supine position, Exhale and inhale slowly and raise the legs to the 90 degree angle from the floor now band your both the legs at the knees and place against the abdomen. Now encircle the knees with both arms, hands should be clasping opposite elbow. Bend the neck and put the chin on the knees or touch the chin to the knees. Now hold this position as much as you can, breathe normally during the asana.

Benefit of Pawanmuktasana

1. It stretch the neck and back.
2. It also give strength to the abdominal muscles.
3. Increase blood flow and stimulate the nerve.
4. Release trap gas due to the pressure which is created on the abdomen
5. It boost the digestive system
6. It relieves constipation
7. It's provide the strength to the lower back muscles
8. Reduce the fat in the abdominal area, thighs and buttock

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