Tummy is the most apparent body part, so nobody want to show their fat tummy because having a fat tummy degrade your personality along self confidence, also having a fat tummy packed with lots of disease which led to diabetes, high cholesterol gave cardiovascular disease.

Before step up towards tummy exercise firstly focused on your diet plan because without aid proper diet plan your hard-work doesn't pays of to you well.

here we comes with some of best tummy exercise only for you-

1.PLANKS- 150lbs man burn approx 3-4 calories per minute.       

Planks not only burn fat but also give strength to the core.

It targets abdominal muscle  lower back, glutes, pelvis, hips and diaphragm.

plank is one the best exercise for fat burn and it provides you flat tummy. it target the core muscles of abdominal area along lower back and thighs muscles

2.RUSSIAN TWIST- 130lbs man burns approx 12 calories in 5min.

It burn fat from side and gives sharp oblique and love angle.

 russian twist is best for love angles and oblique  muscle

3.CRUNCHES- 150lbs man burns approx 5 calories per minute.

Crunches target upper abs, lower back and thigh muscle.

crunches is best for upper abs muscles

4.SIDE PLANK- 150lbs man burns approx 4-5 calories per minute.

It provide stability, burn fat from oblique and provide sharp love angles. it target inner or outer oblique.

side plank exercise gives you a sharp obliques along love angles

5.HANGING LEG RAISE- 150lbs man burn approx 6 calories per minute.

It target lower abs,also hand muscles.

hanging leg raise exercise is good for lower abs along hand muscles


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