Symptoms that may be signal of low protein | Symptoms of low protein : Protein

Symptoms that may be signal of low protein, Symptoms of low protein


Protein is the vital macronutrient which plays an important role in human body as well as animal. 

Protein is the basic building block of your skin, enzymes, muscles, and hormones, which plays an vital role in all tissues of body. 

Hypoproteinemia is the condition of low protein in the blood

Almost most of the foods contains protein, amount may be differ. so, it is quite difficult to have low protein diet in developed country. 

But there are lots of place or lots of underprivileged people in the world who are not able to consume enough protein according to their daily protein goal. 

Protein deficiency or low protein may lead to various health problems, here in the articles we will talk about symptoms of low protein. 

Here are some of the common symptoms that may be signal of low protein

1. Fatty Liver

Fatty liver is the very common symptoms of Kwashiorkor (protein deficiency condition), in which fat begins to accumulate in liver cells. 

Fatty liver also very common in obese people or the one who consume lots of alcohol . 

2. Hair problem

Hair problem also very common in those people who does not take enough protein, their hair becomes more thin, faded color, hair loss. 

3. Loss of muscle mass 

Protein helps in muscle protein synthesis by which your muscles begins to grow and more the muscle you have more the protein you have because muscles are the largest reservoir of protein. 

When your body stops taking protein from foods, you body tends to take protein from skeletal muscles to preserver for more important body functions, as a result you muscle begins to lose its mass. 

Moderate deficiency from prolong can even cause muscle wasting.

4. Risk of bone fractures

Due to low protein your muscles are not only at risk but your bones are also at risk. not consuming enough protein can increase the risk of bone fractures. 

5. Edema

Swollen and puffy skin also know as edema, which may also be occur due to low protein. 

Researchers have believed that edema occur due to less amount of albumin (protein which is found in blood or blood plasma) in the blood plasma. Albumin help to maintain oncotic pressure. 

6. Stunted growth 

Stunted growth in children is highly linked to protein deficiency or insufficiency. protein plays an important role in bone density and muscle mass along with growth factor. 

Stunted growth is more common in children who are suffering from Kwashiorkor.

Also read

Symptoms which may be signal of Hypertension (High blood pressure)

Symptoms that may signal of Fatty liver

Symptoms that may signal of unhealthy gut 

Symptoms which may signal of low oxygen in your body





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