Best ways to detox your body : Detoxification

Best ways to detox your body : Detoxification


Now a days you may heard about the Detox very often. so the question is what is detox and role in our body. 

Detox or detoxification refers to elimination of the toxin from your body by the help of some specific diet or through medicine which helps to improve your health. 

Human body is well equipped to detoxify toxins from your body and normally it doesn't require to have specific diet or medicine to detox. 

But there are some ways which can help to enhance your natural detoxification system. 

Why detoxification is important

When the level of toxins gradually increases in the body (synthetic compound, chemical, heavy metals, processed food) our body become more prone to unhealthy habits which may lead to certain health issues.

When you should detox your body

Here are some body sign which may give you signal to detoxify your body. 

  • Fatigue
  • Poor gastro-intestinal health
  • Irritated skin
  • Allergies
  • Poor immunity
  • Puffy eyes
  • Acidity 
  • Bloating
  • Loss of concentration
  • Frequent mood swing
  • Emotionally unstable
  • Lacking energy.

Here are some ways which help your body to detox the toxin from your body. 

1. Limit the intake of sugar

More consumption of sugar lead to various health issues like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

These disease can hamper your body's natural detoxifying system by affecting the important health organs like liver, kidney.

To make your body's detoxification system strong limit the intake of sugar.

2. Eat antioxidant dense food

Antioxidant known as scavenger, it used to protect cells against free radical. Our body has enough antioxidant.

Consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other poor diet can enhance the production of free radical which
can cause the damage to the cells and also may hamper the detoxification system.

So eat antioxidant rich food which help your body to protect from antioxidant and get rid of toxins from your body.

3. Eat probiotics rich food

Healthy gut is very important to keep your detoxification system healthy. because gut plays an
important role in detoxification of toxins from your body.

Prebiotics food helps improve gut health and create the better the environment for gut bacteria.

Gut bacteria may get hamper by consumption of antibiotics, poor food quality and bad dental hygiene.

Eating probiotic rich food strengthen your gut health, improve immune system and improve body's detoxification system.

4. Drink plenty of water

Drinking water has lots of health benefits and detoxification is one of them. water helps regulate your
body temperature, maintain osmoregulation, better digestion, and helps in food absorption.

Water plays an important role in detoxification, it helps to transport waste or toxin through urination,
sweating, breathing. so it's very important to keep hydrate.

5. Limit the intake of salt

Too much consumption of salt can retain excess of water which can cause bloating and also retain waste or toxin along with water.

So limit your salt intake and drink more water, therefore body starts increasing urination and detoxify toxin from body as well.

Also read

6 signs that your body needs detox 

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