Dry skin remedies | Dry skin home remedies | Dry skin



In this article we going to tell you about dry skin, dry skin remedies, dry skin home remedies and how to get rid of dry skin naturally. so first we will talk about dry skin and its causes.

Dry skin and its causes

Medically dry skin known as xeroderma.
Dry skin marked by scaling cracking and itching and its feel very uncomfortable.


1. Environmental factors
2. Dehydration
3. Frequently washing your hand and face can cause dry skin
4. Chlorinated pool
5. Using chemical products

Dry skin home remedies

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is best for skin it contains fatty acid which helps to reduce dryness and gives moisture to your skin. It also helps in protect skin.

2. Milk

Milk contains a lot of mineral and vitamin. Vitamin A also helps in reduce dry skin it gives skin tone moist skin and gives glow to the skin.

3. Honey

Honey contain hydrating properties, which gives skin moisture. Also provide protection from bacteria because contains antibacterial properties. It helps in prevent wrinkles.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains hydrating properties. Aloe Vera is good for dry skin, apply on your skin for 5 min and rinse it. It also provide protection and help in reduce wrinkles. It also helpful in oily skin.

5. Sunflower seed oil

There are too many benefits of sunflower as a food, medicine and skin treatment. Sunflower seed oil contains fat which is good for dry skin.

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