how to do Sasangasana yoga | benefits of Sasangasana yoga | fitROSKY


Sasangasana is a type of yoga, it is also known as rabbit pose. Sasangasana is a Sanskrit word in which 'sasanga' means "rabbit" it and 'asana' means "posture" or "pose". The body replicate like the rabbit in this pose.

How to do Sasangasana

  • Before starting Sasangasana you have to come in child pose, try to hold on to your heels slowly by the help of your hand now pull your forehead into your knees and put the upper part of your forehead on the floor or yoga mat, continue breathing at all time now tightly hold your heels by the hand during the phase. Lift your hips upwards towards the roof along with deeply inhale, now try to bring your forehead slowly towards the knee. now hold your body in this position at least for about 30 to 60 seconds and then back to normal position.

Benefits of Sasangasana-

1. It reduces the the back pain and neck pain
2. Improve the blood circulation of the body
3. It enhance the flexibility of spine and increase its strength
4. It also increase breathing capacity.
5. It also helps to calm the mind
6. It gives you stress free life
7. It activate and regulate the thyroid gland.
8. Boost digestive system
9. It also provides flexibility to the shoulders and arms.
10. It also helps in vertigo, spondylitis, chronic knee problems, hypertension, depression. spinal problem and in pregnancy.

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