Yoga for Arthritis

Yoga for Arthritis

Also read- Yoga for Happy Life

In this article we will talk about "Yoga for arthritis".

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints, which can affect multiple or one joint.

There are different types of arthritis (more than 100 types), with different cause and treatment.
Arthritis mostly occurs in an adult over the age of 65 but may also be develop in child, teen and younger adult.

There two most common type of arthritis which are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis

Osteoarthritis caused by wear and tear of cartilage.

Rheumatoid arthritis- It is an autoimmune condition, immune system attack on cartilage.

Some studies have shown that "yoga help people with arthritis and improve many physical symptoms, like pain and stiffness and stress and anxiety.

Also read- Yoga to improve Physical strength 


Symptoms usually develop overtime, but may also seen suddenly.

  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Joint pain
  • Range of motion may also decrease.

Best yoga for Arthritis

1. Extended triangle pose.

- Improve physical strength and relieve from arthritis

- It helps to expand and open the chest cavity which allow you for the easier passage of air and carry more oxygen.

How to do

Keep stand straight and make sure the distance between your legs should be of 3-4ft and now turn your leg to 90° and the second feet to 15° and  make the perfect balance. now breath in and out gradually at the same time slowly start bending with the straight waist towards the floor and lift up your right hand and left hand to downward direction. now try to stretch your body as much you can do and keep your hand in straight position. Breath in and come up to the normal standing position and repeat the same.


2. Tree pose

- It helps maintain body balance, foucus and improve joint movement.  

How to do

Stand straight comfortably and then slowly lift your left leg and bend it at the knee and place the foot high up on your right thigh. Start breath in and raise your booths of the hands over the head and make a position of 'namste' by bringing your palms together. hold this position and stand straight to make a balance and gradually breath out and come to the normal position. Repeat the pose with another leg.

3. Setu Bandhasana

-It stretches your spine and buttocks and may also relieve in back pain and arthritis.

How to do

First lay down on your back, fold your knees and keep your feet 10-12 inches away your pelvis. Ankles should be placed directly under the knees. keep your arms close to the body with palm facing down. now slowly breath in and gradually lift your middle part of back in upward direction, gently roll the shoulder. touch your chest to the chin and put your body weight on your shoulder for better support and make a balance. Hold the position for one or two minutes.

4- Side Plank pose

It help strengthening the oblique muscles and lose the fat of love angle.

How to do

Side plank is a type of plank in which your have to hold your body on your side (alternate left and then right ) in a very straight position and take support only by one arm and the side of our hold the position for a while and repeat with another side.


5. Savasana

- Relax your body and help reduce stress.


Savasana is one of the simple yoga  in which you have to lay down on your back on the yoga very straight and now open your feet.your palm should be in upward direction. role your shoulder down your back and hold the position for a while and repeat it again.

Also read- Yoga to increase Testosterone

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