Yoga for Thyroid

Yoga for Thyroid, thyroid, yoga

Also read- Yoga to keep your mind focused

In this article we will talk about "Yoga for thyroid". 

As we all know yoga has lots of benefits to our body, it gives flexibility, improve stamina and strength and relive stress. 

Yoga poses are believed to balanced out thyroid that are either overactive or under-active. 

Several studies have shown that significant effects of yoga on thyroid.

Yoga not to be used as replacement of thyroid medication or therapy. yoga only considered as complementary therapy of thyroid

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Here are some best yoga poses for thyroid

1. Savasana

Lie down on your back on the ground very straight, now open your feet. palms should in upward direction. role your shoulder down your back. hold the position for couple of mins.

2. Viparita Karani

To perform viparita karani, lie down on your back on the floor and place a solid horizontal block underneath hip and put all the body weight on the solid horizontal block and lift your feet towards the ceiling.


3. Bhujangasana

Just lay down on your back on the yoga mat and place your both of palms on the floor under your shoulder and slowly start bending your elbow straight back and try to touch your elbow to your side and don't let elbow open. Now gradually breath in and start lift your chest up only upper body part should lift off the ground. hold the position for a while and repeat.

4. Matsyasana

lie down on your back on the yoga mat with keep your foot together and place your both of hands underneath the hips. Palm should facing down. Now bring the elbows closer toward each other. gradually inhale and lift chest and head up, lower your head to the backward and try to touch crown of the head to the floor and now put the body weight on your elbows, press the legs and thighs towards the floor. hold the position for a while.

5. Bitilasana Marjaryasana

Sit on your palm and on knees. Place your both palm underneath the shoulder and knee under the hip.
Now as you start breath in as you look up and let your abdomen go down toward the floor and when you breath out as you look down and let your back go upwards. continue the movements with 5-6 reps.

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