What to Eat for Post-workout : fitROSKY



In this article we will talk about "What to Eat for Post-workout". The most common mistake that beginners do is that they don't focus on their post-workout meal, which is very necessary to muscle growth. 

Post workout meal is very important because it helps in repair broken muscle protein and rebuild its glycogen store.

A Right meal helps your body to repair faster. It is important to eat carbs and protein after workout.

Benefits of post workout meal

1. It enhance recovery
2. It helps in decreasing muscle protein breakdown
3. It restores glycogen stores rapidly
4. Increase muscle protein synthesis

Foods that you can eat after your workout


1. Crackers

2. Rice cakes 

3. Fruit 

4. Sweet potato 

5. Oatmeal 

6. Whole grain bread


1. Chocolate milk

2. Cottage 

3. Cheese 

4. Egg white 

5. Greek yogurt 

6. Peanut butter 

7. Protein shake 

8. Tofu


Also read -  What to Eat for Pre-workout

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