Gain Your Body Weight in 30 days | fitROSKY


It may be hard to gain desired body weight but its not impossible, in this article we will help you to gain body weight in 30 days. for this you just have to make a slightly strict diet and some smart work which will surely help you to gain your  body weight in such a short span of time. 

there is one thing which we have to keep in our mind that is "we will and we can".

In this article we will gonna tell you some of best trick or life hacks or you can say smart moves which will surely help you to gain your body weight in 30 days.



1. Go with Calories Surplus-

One of the most important point or also known point but most of beginners ignore this and they do not eat in calories surplus. Calories surplus mean you have to eat more calories than your maintenance calories. for e.g., if your height is 6ft 8inch and weight 60kg and you want to gain 5 kg in one month than you have to eat 3814 calories in a day. 

2. Know your macros- 

Macros are one of the most important nutrient for our body which plays an important role in weight gain. 

macros are three types - 1. Carbohydrates, 2. Protein, 3. Fat


3. Always track your calories- 

Often most of the beginners does not track their calories intake. so what actually most beginners do they sometimes eat in calories surplus and sometimes in deficient calories so outcome will be zero. so if you really want to weight gain than you have to track your calories on a daily bases and also analyze your weekly report. 


4. Workout- 

If you just eat and sleep than it doesn't worth for you. you will surely gain your weight but it doesn't give you that much refresh, strength. so its better to involve workout in your daily lifestyle which will you in a effective way to grow your body weight and also give you strength, flexibility and also help to reduce fat.

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